“Put your ear down to your soul and listen hard.” Anne Sexton
What I find interesting about this quote is all the things it doesn’t say. For instance, it does not say:
“Ask other people what they think.”
“Read a book or look online. Do your research.”
“Consult with your guide, leader, guru, or mentor.”
“Pray about it.”
Now, please don’t get me wrong. All of those are great ways to get feedback. Or guidance. But I believe the most important piece really is to listen to your soul. To listen within, rather than outside of, yourself.
How else will you know which opinions are right for you? Which suggestions keep you on your true path? When your prayers have been answered? We often value that which comes from external sources, because we don’t trust ourselves. We imagine that others have the answers to our questions.
I would suggest that when we look inward for answers–not with our brains, but with our hearts–when we learn to hear and trust that “still, small voice,” we will find our answers. Our direction.
Our soul has never lost its connection to All That Is. Let us always remember to tune in to our souls’ wisdom.